Defend Our Constitution



Campaign Contributions

For news articles about campaign finance issues related to the constitutional convention referendum, scroll to the bottom of the “News” menu item at the top of this website.

For detailed information about campaign finance, click on the relevant submenu under the Coalitions Menu.

Radio or TV spots attacking the convention will be broadcast on social media such as Facebook as well as FCC-licensed stations KFQD, KLEF, KENI, KBFX, KBYR, KFAR, KCBF, KKED, KINY, KJNO, and KTKU. For details, also click on the relevant submenu under the Coalitions Menu.

Coalition Members

List of members

Video Ads

The ads below are only the ones published on Defend Our Constitution’s website. The vast majority of the approximately $4 million spent on radio, TV, and social media ads were only published locally and weren’t provided to this clearinghouse. Nor were they covered in local radio and TV news programs. Thus, what is provided below should be viewed as highly incomplete.

Defend Our Constitution Launches First TV Ad: ‘Just Too Risky’, Defend Our Constitution Press Release, Oct. 3, 2022.

Print Ads

Click on slider below to see Defend Our Constitution social media ads for the general public

Click on slider below to see NEA-Alaska social media Ads for its members

NEA-Alaska messages to members:

Nov. 9, 2022: One result we feel confident in celebrating: Preliminary results indicate that Alaskans resoundingly rejected efforts to call a Constitutional Convention. NEA-Alaska members were leaders and conveners of a statewide, nonpartisan effort with partners that included business and labor, non-profits, industry, resource development organizations, hunting and fishing groups, Alaska Native Corporations, cities and Boroughs, and so many more.

Oct. 28, 2022: Calling a constitutional convention directly threatens public education. Our founding document has served us well for over 50 years. If it needs to be amended, there’s a way to do that – and we’ve done it before. A constitutional convention is unnecessary and will create a host of problems for Alaskans for years to come.

Election day is coming up. Don’t forget to vote #NoOn1 on November 8th!

Oct. 17, 2022: The Alaska Constitution currently commits the State to support public education, public health, public welfare, and our university system. A Constitutional Convention is a direct threat to our students and schools. Supporters of our public schools should vote NO on November 8th.

Oct. 12, 2022: A constitutional convention is unnecessary, expensive, and dangerous for our students and schools. The risks far outweigh the rewards. Every 10 years, Alaskans are asked whether a constitutional convention should be held to make changes to our founding document. Alaskans have voted ‘no’ every year, and voting ‘no’ this year is the right call.

Sept. 29, 2022: “The threat there is because the constitution guarantees that public money can only be spent on public education, that it can’t be diverted to private interests, and if the old constitution is opened up, we feel like there are advocates for voucher systems that would essentially defund our public education system,” Tom Klaameyer, NEA-Alaska President.
Vote NO on a constitutional convention this November!

April 24, 2022: Today is Alaska Constitution Day – and also the first formally recognized celebration of this new state holiday! Let’s use this opportunity to recognize the historic accomplishments of Jack Coghill, Vic Fischer, and the other delegates to the Alaska Constitutional Convention and commemorate the creation of the Constitution of the State of Alaska.

Some Major Types of Arguments (see FAQ for more types of arguments)

Cost Argument

Risk Argument

Cost and Risk Argument Combined

Special Interests Argument

Alaska Model Constitution Argument

It’s Unpopular Argument

Coalition Statements

Smith, Mack (Planned Parenthood), Alaska Voters Reject Extremist Attempt to Eliminate Right to Abortion, Alaska Native News, Nov. 9, 2022. Note: confirm’s Planned Parenthood’s view that an overwheliming number of Alaskans support a woman’s right to choose.


Defend Our Constitution mailer sent to all Alaskans, with first reported receipt in a mail box on Oct. 31, 2022.